Monocular, by Helen Galliker

[3b/3] The ZHdK games showcased at Gamescom 2016

These interviews of ZHdK game design BA alumni Marco Bach, Helen Galliker and Florin Gasser were conducted at video games fair Gamescom in 2016. Like with the ZHdK VR interviews, this is published months after they were conducted. Better late than never.

The game of Helen Galliker is called Monocular

The game of Marco Bach, Tunay Bora and Florin Gasser is called  a m i i [Its name was Organism at the time. Many elements of the game have changed in the meantime.] (suite…)

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Image of the game from

[3a/3] The ZHdK VR games showcased at Gamescom 2016

These interviews of ZHdK game design BA alumni Julie Baechtold, Filipe Simonette and Sonja Böckler were conducted at video games fair Gamescom in 2016. I haven’t published this earlier because I had the unrealistic ambition (from today’s point of view) to translate them in both French and German and publish the two versions simultaneously. It would have been a nice symbol, wouldn’t it? So finally, here are these interviews in English, as they were conducted.

Both games were available on VR platforms. A second article is dedicated to the non-VR games.

The game of Julie Baechtold and Filipe Simonette is called Watcher

The game of Sonja Böckler & Michael Müller is called Meantime

This was their first time at Gamescom.


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Le soutien financier de la Suisse au jeu vidéo va tripler

Pro Helvetia, la fondation suisse pour le soutien à la culture, lance un nouveau programme de soutien à la création vidéoludique en Suisse – le sixième en ce qui concerne les médias interactifs. Pour l’occasion, le budget alloué pour le jeu vidéo va presque tripler et atteindra 750’000 CHF par année. Mercredi 14 juin, une délégation de trois personnes de Pro Helvetia faisait le déplacement de Zürich à Lausanne pour présenter les conditions de participation à ce nouveau programme.


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