Lousy times for small pensions

It is hard to understand the decision by the Swiss Parliament lower chamber to cut into the additional benefits that are paid to low-income retirees on top of their regular pension.

500 millions less, even though the Federal Council was not asking for so much. Given the healthy situation of Swiss public finances, these savings won’t change much for the public purse. They however change everything for the people affected.

It is true that the amount of these additional benefits is increasing fast. That’s to be expected as population is aging and the amount of the standard benefit remains low.

Let’s remember that the people against a monthly 70 franc increase in benefit that had been put forward in the pension reform proposal a few months ago pointed to the additional benefits as a better tool to support low income retirees. Some actions speak much louder than words.

Cédric Tille

Cédric Tille est professeur d'économie à l'Institut des IHEID de Genève depuis 2007. Il a auparavant travaillé pendant neuf ans comme économiste chercheur à la Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Il est spécialiste des questions macroéconomiques, en particulier des politiques monétaires et budgétaires et des dimensions internationales comme les flux financiers.