Contest between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump

May I suggest a contest between two famous actors, both
born in New York city, Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

The challenge would be to find the most subtle terms
for insulting political leaders around the world.

The winner would be rewarded with a free ticket to a hairdresser
in either Brussels or Mexico City. The loser will have to wear
a crew cut until November 8, 2016

The cost of the event should be shouldered equally by
Mexico, as part of the budget for the wall, and France,
through the sale of the "freedom fries" left behind by the
"coalition of the willing” in Iraq.

As arbiter for the contest I would suggest George W. Bush,
Tony Blair and Jean-Claude Juncker or Lady Gaga.

Ilja Feldstein

Né à Hambourg et alumnus d'INSEAD, Ilja Feldstein a bâti sa carrière professionnelle dans des sociétés multinationales au Mexique, aux Etats-Unis et en Allemagne avant de s'établir en Suisse. Son sens aigu de l'indépendance l'a fait changer de cap pour travailler aujourd'hui seul, comme conseiller et courtier dans les domaine de l'investissement et de l'assurance.